We want to identify, cultivate, and call out young leaders sensing a call to full-time ministry; enhance the capacity of our network to supervise, train, mentor, and support young ministers; expand the existing boundaries of the Kairos network by recruiting young ministers from new geographic regions and institutional partnerships.
We want to establish a team-oriented framework for leadership in local Kairos ministry settings. Strengthen current and developing ministry efforts of Kairos ministries. Engage fresh perspectives and explore collaborative approaches to collegiate ministry.
We want you to receive practical ministry experience, participate in intentional theological reflection, and journey toward a clearer sense of vocational identity and ministerial call.
What is KII?
Kairos Internship Initiative is a ten-month cohort experience where we invite recent graduates to engage their call to ministry through on-campus placement that provides practical experience, intentional theological reflection, and vocational discernment.
Who is eligible?
Recent college graduates (less than three years removed) with a completed Associate's or Bachelor's degree looking to pursue a call to ministry and/or commit to an intentional gap year
Will I be paid for this position?
Participants will receive a monthly stipend. They are required to fundraise a portion of this stipend, approximately $1,000 per month (a total of $10,000 for the program year).